About Us

Building a better tomorrow, by taking care of you today

Patient consulting a doctor

Vector Clinical Trials is a dedicated research center working with community doctors and researchers around the globe to provide advanced diagnostic tests and effective treatments for debilitating diseases. All of our studies/grants are multi center trials conducted internationally with sites in USA, Canada, EU, South America, Australia, Japan, and South East Asia. We are proud to be part of this network of research centers working on next generation diagnostic tests and most importantly treatments which can either arrest or cure debilitating diseases.

By working with the local doctors, our primary goal is to provide exclusive high profile studies to the Las Vegas community. Our site is focused on educating and familiarizing patients and referring clinicians to clinical trials. Clinical trials are either sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and/or government grants to facilitate advances in medicine. All the study related procedures are free of cost to the participants. We will not bill your insurance or disclose your involvement in the study to any third party unless we have your written permission.

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